What is a computer? A comprehensive guide to understanding the components and types of computers:

 What is a computer? A comprehensive guide to understanding the components and types of computers: 

What is a computer? A comprehensive guide to understanding the components and types of computers:

What is a computer?

 A computer or computer is defined as one of the electronic devices that exist in different types and sizes, which has the ability to store, process or even retrieve data, as it combines what is known as software and equipment to form together a computer, and the computer performs calculations, operations and the implementation of various applications through a set of commands given to it by this software or equipment.

The origin of the word computer?

 The word computer in its origin goes back to the word arithmetic, and this resulted from the first definition of the computer, which defined the device as a high-speed calculation machine, as the work of the computer in the past was limited to solving arithmetic operations very quickly in addition to its ability to deal with complex calculations, before the tasks of the computer evolved to include other types of operations such as selecting, sorting, comparing and transferring information, and many other different operations that the computer can perform today.

How does a computer work?

 The principle of the computer's work is based on converting the data and information that is entered into the device into a binary counting system that depends on the numbers zero and one, so that the number - whether it is zero or one - is stored in a storage capacity on the device's hard drive known as the bit , as the bit can only contain the number zero or the number one, and the data received to the computer, whether letters, numbers or whole words, is stored in a number of bits, where Each digit stands for a multiple of the number 2, and is then used in some simple mathematical operation to convert these inputs into words or commands to be executed.

 For example: when you enter the letter A, for example, into the computer, it is translated into a set of binary numbers, and then the electrical circuits in the computer convert these binary numbers into electrical pulses , where these numbers are decoded by the existing electrical circuits to understand their meaning, so the series of binary numbers 1000001 indicates that the information entered is the letter A, Converting data and information into binary patterns of numbers (zero or one) in a computer makes it easier to store and transfer this data easily.

Computer components?

 Computer components are divided into software components and physical components, and the definition of a computer and its components is as follows:

 Software components is defined as one of the main components of the computer, which consists of a set of commands or information written in a specific language, to guide the device what to do, and the software is divided according to the task it is concerned with into three types, which are as follows:

  • Application software: and this type of software is concerned with dealing directly with the user of the computer, as it performs certain programs or tasks of interest and importance to the user, and there are many examples of this type of software in the computer such as word processor, web browsers, games, image editing programs, and calculator. 
  • System software: It is a set of software that is designed to form a base for other software, the system programs are designed to provide services for these programs, and the system software is not concerned with the direct user of the device, and one of the best examples of this type of program is the operating system in which the device runs, such as the Windows operating system or the Mac operating system. 

Physical components are those physical devices and equipment that make up the computer, and the following are some parts of the computer:

  • Motherboard: It is the main board in the computer, and the motherboard contains many components on it, such as the CPU, memory and other components. 
  • Central processing unit: or what is known as the processor, and this unit works to execute commands in the computer. 

  • RAM: It is a memory that stores the data that is used temporarily, and its components disappear when the device is turned off.

  • Hard disk: It is the main place to save user data and information. 

  • Power supply: It is a device located inside the computer, and converts the electricity supplied to the device through the socket into energy suitable for the device. 

  • Other parts of the computer: The computer contains many other parts such as the screen, keyboard, mouse, headphones, optical drive, and video card.

Types of computers?

Some types of computers are listed below:

  • Desktop computer: They are computers that are designed to be suitable for placing them on the user's desktop, whether at work, at home or even at school, and the computer box or what is known as a case in addition to the screen, keyboard and mouse are essential parts of this type of computer.

  • Laptop: It is a computer that can be operated through a battery, so the transfer of this type of device is easier than its desktop counterpart, and because the laptop is easy to navigate, it can be used anywhere. 

  • Tablet: This type does not contain the mouse and keyboard, it is a computer that works through a touch screen, which is used to write, point and move between software, and the iPad is one of the examples of this type.

  • Server devices: A server is defined as one of the types of computers that provide other devices connected with the same network with information and share it with them, and the server device can work on a global scale like servers that work over the Internet, and it can also be used over an internal network to store and share files within the same place. 

  • Other types of computers: There are many electronic devices that can be classified as computers, such as smartphones and smart TVs. 

Computer operating system?

 The operating system in a computer is defined as a program that allows computer users to run programs and other applications available on the device, by managing many resources on the computer, such as input and output devices, storage units, network communication devices, etc., and computer operating systems have evolved at the present time, as they were in the beginnings of their design running only one program at a time.

 Examples of operating systems currently used in computers are the Windows operating system, the Mac operating system, and the Linux operating system.

The difference between data and information in a computer?

The concepts of data and information are mixed for many people, as some see them as synonymous terms for one meaning, but the truth of the matter is otherwise, data represents the set of numbers, letters or words that are not understood by themselves and do not constitute a clear and deep meaning for humans when used alone. While information refers to an ordered and coordinated set of data where its meaning can be understood and read or even used in a useful way, a computer converts data into clear information by processing it across many formats, programs or applications that are designed to do this. 

From the above two terms, the concept of knowledge emerges, which is based on the principle of understanding, using and employing the information resulting from data processing and employing it to solve various problems.

The inventor of the computer and its development stations?

The fact of the matter is that there is no real inventor who can be credited with inventing the computer in its current form, as the device that currently exists is the fruit of many stages of development that it has gone through throughout modern history.

Computer uses?

 So-called computer networks are currently used in many areas, including the following:

  • Education: Studies show that the use of computers in education improves students' performance, and contributes to easier access to information, as well as what computers can offer in the field of distance education, through holding online and video training courses. 

  • Medicine and Health: The use of computers in the fields of health has revolutionized the medical field, as it is used by doctors to examine young people with mental disorders, and has led to the provision of a digital library that collects medical information. 

  • Science: Using computers has made it easier for scientists to communicate across the globe, resulting in scientific research being completed easily and in less time. 

  • Business and Finance: The computer is widely used in various types of business and banking, it has been used to increase the productivity of many sectors, including sales, banking, marketing, and stock trading, and the use of the Internet has emerged as one of the most famous different marketing methods.

  • Entertainment: The computer is used in the manufacture of films and videos, and this has facilitated the manufacture of special effects and the creation of fictional characters, and the use of the computer extended to many other fields, so it became used to sell sports tickets and create sports plans that are based on analyzing the performance of the competitor through previous inputs. 

  • Government regulations: The use of computers has become common in various government departments, and in all fields such as tourism, planning, and control. 

  • Defense: The computer is used in the defense fields very much, as these devices are used to carry out many military actions such as locating sites, tracking missiles, and designing and examining new military systems. 

Pros and cons of the computer?

The following is a breakdown of the most prominent pros and cons of the computer: 

Computer cons:

  1.  Although the computer has many benefits, it is not without some negatives that may affect its users, and the computer user may be exposed to carpal tunnel syndrome that occurs to the person as a result of prolonged and repeated use of the keyboard and mouse. 
  2. Health risks that may occur as a result of long periods of sitting in front of the device. 
  3. Users lose their communication skills with others, making them introverted and antisocial. 
  4. The user can lose the passion for learning and self-reliance in this field, as a result of many tools that can be easily used to find information without careful research. 

Pros of the computer: 

 The computer has become an effective and important role for human life, as there are many advantages and benefits that result from its use, including the following:

  1. Speed: Using a computer enables humans to do what they want easily and quickly. 
  2. Multiplicity: The importance of this point is reflected in the ability of the computer to execute and perform millions of commands at the same time, so the computer user can perform many tasks in a period of time that does not exceed a few seconds. 
  3. Cost reduction: You no longer need a huge budget to save a huge amount of data, as the computer can save it in a central database at low cost. 
  4. Accuracy: The ability of a computer to perform many tasks is parallel to its ability to perform these tasks very accurately. 
  5. Internet connection: The most benefit can be made of the user's available computer by connecting it to the Internet, which leads to great options and great benefits that can be used when connecting to the Internet. 
  6. Organization of work: The computer organizes the work to be saved, so that it can be searched for or even arranged according to a certain approach.
  7. Communicate with others: The computer provides many ways to communicate with friends and family through e-mail services and social networks.
  8. Entertainment: The computer can be used for many recreational activities such as watching movies and listening to music.

Specifications that must be available in the computer when buying it?

 There are many specifications that must be available in computers that the user may want to buy, and these specifications include the following:

  • CPU: It is recommended that the processor of the device be made by Intel, and be of the fifth generation (Core i5) or seventh generation (Core i7). 
  • Storage capacity: The storage spaces in the computer have multiple types, and it is preferable to have a computer with a storage capacity of at least 500 GB, and the hard drive should be of the SSD type. 
  • RAM: It is recommended that the amount of random storage memory (RAM) in the computer is at least 8 GB. 
  • Network card: It's a good idea to use a computer that supports wireless networking. 
  • Screen: Recommended screen size for laptop is 14 inches, 24 inches for desktops. 
  • Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit is the recommended operating system on the device. Other extras: It is preferable to buy a device that contains some extras, such as a webcam and an external disk for the purposes of saving the device's backups.
